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The Obama Administration’s request to lift the injunction that halted crucial parts of the President’s recent immigration reforms was denied Tuesday by a federal appeals court. In response to a lawsuit filed by 26 states, a Federal Judge ruled in February to place a temporary injunction on the parts of Obama’s executive action which would… Read More
On Friday April 17, a three judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, Louisiana heard oral arguments of lawyers representing both the Justice Department and the representatives of the 26 states who filed a law suit to halt the President’s executive action on immigration. Parts of the President’s executive action… Read More
In the wake of President Obama’s executive action on immigration potential applicants need to be warned to beware of scams. The Presidents recent announcement will grant temporary protection to as many as five million people currently residing in the United States. However, the complete details of the plan have not been released and the rollout… Read More
The U.S. Department of State announced on July 31st, 2014 that its Consular Consolidated Database (CCD) is still performing below its normal operational capacity. The CCD is the Department of State’s global database for issuing travel documents, including visas. It crashed on July 20th, and although it has been restored to a functioning level, it… Read More