Mark A Ivener, A Law Corporation

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Visa and Passport Technological System Issues Addressed

Last week The Department of State announced that they were experiencing technical difficulties with its visa system, which caused many applicants to experience appointment delays and an inability to receive visas. The Bureau of Consular Affairs stated Tuesday that the database which is responsible for these problems has been rebuilt. More than two-thirds of posts… Read More

Visa and Passport Processing Delays

This week The Department of State announced it is experiencing technical problems with its visa system. The problem is global and is not specific to any particular country or visa type. Some visa applicants will experience delays in receiving their visas. Others will be contacted to reschedule their appointments. The problem stems from a computer… Read More

Your Visa Has Been Approved: How to Get a Driver’s License

If you have a recently approved visa you may wish to apply for a Driver’s License. As a non-immigrant you are eligible to apply for a state Driver’s License or State ID card. Each state has their own regulations, however, so you should familiarize yourself with your specific state’s policies. This information can be found… Read More

Your Visa has Been Approved: How to Get a Social Security Number

If you have a recently approved visa you may need to apply for a Social Security number. Social Security numbers are used to report wages to the federal government for tax purposes, as well as to determine eligibility for Social Security Benefits and certain other government services. Generally, only those authorized to work in the… Read More

Employer Personally Liable for Back Wages, Costs of Obtaining J-1 Waivers and H-1B Visas

It has been the position of the Department of Labor for some time that the legal fees and filing fees to obtain H-1B visas are an employer expense. However, a recent case expanded the employer’s responsibility to include the cost of obtaining a J-1 waiver. On August 20, 2014, the United States Court of Appeals… Read More